
.B l u e...P l a n e t ®

...............................Pest Solutions !!

Prices as of June 1, 2005

There is a $25.00 Charge for SCORPIONS

Ticks and fleas add $10.00 for in and out

Standard Homes: 800 - 2,500 sq. ft.

Service Start-Up: $ 79.95 includes inside, outside, yard 1/4 acre, garage and storage rooms.

Monthly:....$ 39.95 (One a Month)............... ( 6% of our clients spray Monthly)

Bi-Monthly:$ 55.00 (Every other Month).......( 17% of our clients spray Bi-Monthly)

Quarterly:..$ 65.00 (Every three Months)......( 61% of our clients spray Quarterly)

Bi Yearly:..$ 69.95 (Twice a Year).................( 14% of our clients spray Bi-Yearly)

Yearly:......$ 79.95 (Once a Year)....... .........( 2% of our clients spray Yearly)

Large Homes: 2,600 - 3,800 sq. ft.

Service Start-Up: $ 89.95 Includes inside, outside, yard up to 1/3 acre, garage and storage rooms.

Monthly:....$ 45.00 (Once a Month)..............( 6% of our clients spray Monthly)

Bi-Monthly:$ 59.95 (Every other Month).......( 17% of our clients spray Bi-Monthly)

Quarterly:..$ 75.00 (Every three Months)......( 61% of our clients spray Quarterly)

Bi Yearly:..$ 89.95 (Twice a Year).................( 14% of our clients spray Bi-Yearly)

Yearly:......$ 89.95 (Once a Year)....... ..........( 2% of our clients spray Yearly)

Extra-Large Homes: 3,900 - 5,100 sq. ft.

Service Start-Up:$ 109.95 Includes inside, outside, yard up to 1/2 acre, garage and storage rooms.

Monthly:....$ 59.95 (One a Month)...............(6% of our clients spray Monthly)

Bi-Monthly:$ 79.95 (Every other Month).......( 17% of our clients spray Bi-Monthly)

Quarterly:..$ 89.95 (Every three Months)......(61% of our clients spray Quarterly)

Bi Yearly:..$ 99.95 (Twice a Year)................(14% of our clients spray Bi-Yearly)

Yearly:......$ 109.95 (Once a Year)....... .........(2% of our clients spray Yearly).

Larger Homes and Commercial Accounts (Prices will Very)

Phone: (602) 867-0355 .(for an Estimate).

Please know your apprxinate square footage and lot size


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