.B l u e...P l a n e t ® ..................................Pest Solutions .
Description: A crack and crevice and/or spot treatment forresidual and contact control of : ants, carpenter ants, cockroaches, crickets, spiders, and certain other insects. Only for sale to, for use, and storage by professional pest control operators. (PCO) Protects against these Pests: Ants, Carpenter Ants, Bees, Boxelder bugs,Centipede, Chigger, Cocklebur, Cricket, Earwig, Elm leaf beetle, Fire ant (mounds), Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Millipede, Mosquito, Pillbug, Scorpions, Silverfish, Sod webworm, Sow bug, Spider, Tick, Wasp, and many, many more................... Cypermethrin is a synthetic, pyrethroid insecticide that is extremely effective against a wide range of insect pests. The insecticide is both a stomach poison and a contact poison that effects the system of vertebrates and invertebrates, by affecting voltage-dependent sodium channels and inhibiting ATPase enzymes in the circulatory system. Cypermethrin is relatively safe to mammals and birds, but is slightly toxic to fish and extremely toxic aquatic organisms. Because cypermethrin has a low Henrys Law Constant, except for some minor spray drift, it is not expected to be found in air. Under aerobic conditions, the metabolites may breakdown further to produce CO2. The principal degradation route for cypermethrin in soil is hydrolysis of the ester linkage, leading to PBA, DCVA, and eventually CO2. Cypermethrin is fairly immobile in soil due to its strong affinity to bind to the organic matter. The metabolites, however, vary in their mobility from intermediate to mobile. Other factors effecting the degradation of cypermethrin in soils are pH and microbes. Higher pH ncreases adsorption, and cypermethrin degrades more slowly in sterile soils. In water, cypermethrin is relatively stable to hydrolysis and photolysis with the half-lives being >50 and >100 days, respectively. Cypermethrin hydrolyzes and photolyzes more quickly in a basic environment, where the chemical degraded much faster in river water versus distilled water. This suggests that naturally occurring substances enhance the breakdown of cypermethrin, and because of its high affinity for organic matter, cypermethrin readily adsorbs to suspended matter in natural waters. In mammals and birds, cypermethrin is relatively non-toxic. Studies have shown that, when ingested, laboratory rats and dairy cattle rapidly excrete cypermethrin, posing a low toxicological to non toxic threat to them. For aquatic organisms, there is a much higher toxicological risk. Because of its high lipoaffinity and low solubility, cypermethrin has a strong potential to bioaccummulate in aquatic animals. However, as described above, in natural waters even small amounts of sediment will adsorb a significant amount of cypermethrin, reducing bioavailability and mitigating bioconcentration in marine aquatic animals. When applied topically to cabbage and lettuce plants, cypermethrin is rapidly metabolized to á -cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl alcohol. This type of application is non toxic to the plants, but is toxic to the insects which feed on them. Eventually, cypermethrin will metabolize to mono and disaccharide derivatives. When applied to the bark of elm trees, cypermethrin is much more persistent, maintaining the ability to control insects for 60 days. Soil and sediment are the main environmental reservoirs for cypermethrin, where nearly all of the compound ends up. Soil is also the compartment with the highest degradative potential for this chemical, especially those soils with high microbial activity. Sorption to soil and sediment has the net effect of reducing mobility and bioavailability of cypermethrin to sensitive species. Reference:: Jin, H., and G.R.B. Webster. 1998. Persistence, penetration, and surface availability of cypermethrin and its major degradation products in elm bark. J. Agric. Food Chem. 46:2851-2857. Hydrolysis half-life (at env. temps. and pH values)AZ. >50 days Toxicity: Rabbit (acute, dermal) LD50 > 2460 mg/kg Chickens (acute, oral)b LD50 > 2000 mg/kg Mallard Duck and Bobwhite Quail (oral) LC50 >10,000 mg/kg Daphnia magna LC50 0.26 ppb Honeybeec LD50 0.025 µg/bee Data from EPAs Pesticide Fact Sheet Database (1999)